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Vision and Values
Together We Grow, We Learn, We Thrive
At Durrington All Saints, our vision is to develop happy young people with enquiring minds, a spirit of curiosity, love and respect for themselves, others and the environment so that they will have the skills, resilience and adaptability to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Our school's Christian ethos, 'Together We Grow, We Learn, We Thrive', is underpinned by Jesus’ mustard seed parable: from the smallest seeds grow the greatest shrubs (Mt13v31-32). Valuing our community, together, we embody our vision: “With God’s guidance; sowing the seeds of success; nurturing and inspiring pupils and adults to flourish."
Just like the mustard tree flourishes and grows to hold a valuable position in the garden, we want to see every pupil flourish in their learning, their relationships with others and their personal growth. We aim to give our pupils the best start, preparing them for their secondary education and their role in modern British society.
While the mustard seed is tiny, with soil, water, air and sunlight it grows, becomes strong and attracts the birds to rest among its branches. We believe that all of our pupils have the potential to do well, to succeed in their learning and to become a valued member of society, regardless of their starting point. At Durrington All Saints C of E Infant School, every member of our school community is valued and cherished; both as an individual and for the contribution they make to the school body.
Children at Durrington All Saints C of E Infant School are rooted by our Christian vision and associated values; Respect, Perseverance, Honesty, Hope and Love. Our school community (including pupils, staff, parents, the church and our parish) is centred on the growth, development and safeguarding of our children.
You can read more about our values and the connected passages from the Bible, by clicking the links below.